Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Just One Moment...

If I could have just one moment...
To see my smile reflected in your eyes
To feel your arms wrapped round me
To feel your heart beat against my chest

Just one moment...
To feel your lips on my cheek
Your mouth on mine
Stealing my breath with your kiss

Just one moment...
To breathe you in, immerse myself in you
To feel the warm rugged skin of your neck
Under the gentle caress of my tongue

Just one moment...
To hear your voice whisper in my ear
To share a laugh
Maybe even a tear

Just one moment...
To see you
To kiss you
To feel you
To taste you
To hold you

The stars could fall
The sea could rise
The earth could shatter...

And I wouldn't care

Because I had that one moment...
With you

(c) SA MacNeil

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Guest Post

Really pleased to welcome @nocte_esuriunt to my site and be able to share with you this beautiful and poignant piece...

~ ~ ~ ~

before the fall

standing on the edge, waiting to fall in
waiting for tHe emptiness to envelope
the small light that was once within
the mask I don is paintEd in love and laughter
but the skin beneath is cold and the souL contained is still
I feel lost in the anguish of despair
with no light to guide my way
or hands to cuP my broken will
so I stand alone in the darkness
yearning for a love we once shared
I’m standing on the edge, waiting to fall in

(c) @nocte_esuriunt